About Education in Australia

Want to know more about Australian Universities and which offer you the best options? Read on


There are 41 universities of which are three are private (Bond, Torrens and Notre Dane). In addition, Camegie Mellon and University College London have campuses in Adelaide, South Australia. As the main campuses and administrations of these universities are established in Pennsylvania, USA and London UK respectively; we consider them as non-Australian universities. Many Australian universities have overseas branch campuses, twinning arrangements and exchange programs for students and teaching staff worldwide. 

Higher Education

University Courses in Australia are comparable to those in other English Speaking Countries. The National government provides the funding for universities in all the states. While each university is independent in its governance and can decide on which courses they want to offer and the course content, tbey are regulated by TEQSA. Typically, a university course takes three or four years of study. There are four pathway programs that are designed for and are popular with international students


Australia has a Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. VET prepares people for work in a career that does not need a university degree. The national body, ASQA regulates and manages the system and ensures consistent national standards. Typically, a VET course takes up to two years of study.

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